So, I'm breaking away from to throw in a few of my personal bucket list accomplishments.
FIRST KISS...So we all have first kisses (
ok, most of us), but this one happened on my 16
th birthday by
Frankenstein. It was probably some old guy underneath the costume and make-up so it's a good thing it was just a kiss on the cheek.
PUNTING ON THE CAMBRIDGE RIVER: I promise that I'm happy, but it was a little bright so I'm squinting. Can I just say that I had the best time and met the coolest people on this trip!
TEA TIME IN ENGLAND: Here we are enjoying afternoon tea (well, I was at the stage in my life when I only drank water so I enjoyed the scones that went along with the tea).
RED TELEPHONE BOOTH PICTURE: I actually made my first international call from this booth, too.
KARAOKE: My first
karaoke experience was to the tune of the B-52's "Love Shack." Luckily, my sis sang with me.
PUBLIC SPEAKING: I never really thought about this one until it popped up on a different bucket list that I found in my search. This has been the largest audience I've spoken in front of (about 7,000 people). Yes, my shoes are on (total inside joke, but good info nonetheless).
HAVING A TWIN: My then bf made this replication of me to take to a friend's wedding while I was out-of-town. So far, it's the only twin I know of.
WINNING A COSTUME CONTEST: Wow, this goes way back to my dancing days. That's pretty much what I had to do to win (nice way to earn $75, though). On a side note, this was also the first time I ever got pulled over (not sure if that should make the list or not). My two friends (Geri and Cami in the pic above) took my car afterwards and turned on the driving lights. While driving on the well-lit state street, I didn't realize that my headlights weren't on. Hence why the police officer pulled me over. However, no ticket! I'll attribute it to the costume instead of my "almost-in-tears-typical-17-year-old-girl-reaction."
DISNEYLAND: Here I am with Hayden on his first visit to the happiest place on earth.
DISNEY WORLD: This trip was with my mom, step-dad, and sis. We also visited
Sea world and I've done Universal Studios in both Florida and Cali. Good times! I love family vacations!!!
OWNING MY DREAM CAR: Or in this case, my dream jeep! I had this Wrangler for about five years until Hayden got too big for it. Oh, how I miss it!
LAS VEGAS, BABY!: This time I'm on another vacation with the
TOP OF THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING: I'm not sure why I have a face that has "attitude" written all over it. Either I was mid-sentence or being a typical teenager. My sis looks slightly scared, but at least my step-dad looks good.
THE TODAY SHOW: We got up super early to hang outside for "The Today Show." We ended up on TV, and at one point, Katie
Couric told me I could have her job (in response to my sign).
I don't even know what to title this pic! It's just one of those things you pay five bucks to do in Hawaii.
FEEDING A TIGER: It's not everyday you get the chance to bottle feed a baby tiger. If you're ever given the opportunity, definitely do it (just make sure it's really a baby one though).
FEEDING THE SQUIRRELS: Okay, when I see this picture I laugh for two reasons. One, I totally look like a boy! I blame that on the eighties! Secondly, there's a scene in "The Office" where Daryl is feeding squirrels just before the Race for the Cure (for rabies, that is). Oh, the irony!